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A-lehdet serves superior customer experiences for five communities with one tech stack

Frosmo contributes to A-lehdet's growth

A-lehdet shows media companies the way to customers’ hearts with a technical solution flexible enough to meet the ever-changing demands and desires of its audience. Together with Frosmo, A-lehdet will seek to meet customers’ evolving expectations of how websites behave, how they interact with them, and how websites should serve their needs. To complement a modern stack that includes content infrastructure from Contentful, Frosmo provides A-lehdet with personalization capabilities to match and delight its diverse audiences.

Modernizing the content infrastructure

Most of the websites A-lehdet has are based around communities of interest, interior, travel, health, etc. These kinds of sites do not have the luxury to post daily hot news to attract people which makes attracting a fanbase much more challenging.

The diverse customer base comes with its own challenge: How do you serve content to different kinds of customers in the best possible way? The ones that want to belong to the community and are the fans ie. design and interior web sites and those that just try to find quick information, i.e. how to provide help to cure flu.

A-lehdet had more than a dozen websites with various technical solutions, which were turned into five need-based communities. The goal was set, make less but more powerful products with one unified tech solution – which was the main business reason why A-lehdet ended up having Contentful.

The first priority was to modernize the content infrastructure and Contentful was chosen to manage and store content in one hub. They wanted Contentful as a leading content infrastructure solution for seamless digital experiences as customers expect a consistent experience and high-quality content across all digital channels. Another goal was to separate the content to give freedom to change anything else around the content.

Working with Frosmo, Contentful, and React

The ambition for A-lehdet is to provide delightful personalized customer journeys to all website visitors and that is how Frosmo came into the picture during spring 2019. They were enthusiastic about Frosmo’s versatility to provide personalization, A/B testing, and recommendations in a single platform.

A-lehdet’s previous solution was considered to be black box where the rules were not controllable and the path towards the outcomes unclear. While solutions like this may provide great business outcomes, they don’t provide marketers with the opportunity to gather data and insights into why audiences convert better when offered certain recommendations.

With Frosmo, it’s possible to change and experiment with different kinds of variations. A-lehdet wants to control their websites through the Frosmo Control Panel and it is much better than controlling the front-end with the code or in Contentful. 

Frosmo complements the Contentful and React setup with smooth personalization, segmentation, and experimentation, as well as recommendation capabilities. One of the advantages of Frosmo is that you do not necessarily need a developer to make changes to a website. Product owners, journalists, and marketers can easily set the rules for personalization in the Frosmo Control Panel and bring the desired content from Contentful to the website. 

Read more about how Frosmo contributes to A-lehdet’s growth as a company.

Are you ready to start your personalization journey?