Implementing content recommendations with Frosmo can reap amazing results
increased CTR
Personalized home page teaser panel
increased CTR
Personalized blog recommendations
increased CR
People who saw the content recommendations
Why Choose Frosmo
- Save time – Let the AI-driven content recommendations do their magic instead of manually selecting what to show in each slot.
- Serve relevant content – Content recommendations help all visitor personas to find what they are looking for and demonstrate the broadness of your content.
- Drive business – Content orchestration helps with lead generation and engagement. If your target is to keep the visitor on the site, relevant content is the key.
Key features of AI-driven content recommendations
Non-personalized content recommendations
- You can personalize content even if you know nothing about the visitors.
- Popularity and context-based recommendations rely on real-time data from the behavior of all site visitors and context (for example page type) of the current visitors.
- Similar content recommendations take into account the long tail of less popular content by using various AI-methods
- Recommendations algorithms change according to user behavior.
- Easy-to-add new attributes that support your business require
- A no-code user interface to create new recommendation strategies
Flexible architecture
- Easy to deploy using your data layer structure, no further integrations required.
- React Connector available
- Serve content from your CMS, such as Contentful.
- With Frosmo, you can start with recommendations and expand to other personalization use cases with the same platform.
Personalized content recommendations
- Frosmo identifies what the visitors are interested in and places them into segments.
- Visitor’s journey can be broken down into phases, such as new or returning visitor and has converted.
- Frosmo creates smart predictions about visitor’s main areas of interest, which is called affinity.
Continuous AI-driven optimization and A/B testing
- Frosmo searches for the best recommendation strategy for a specific visitor segment and automatically verifies its performance according to a specified KPI.
- A/B testing features allow you to run tests that verify your hypotheses.
With Frosmo, we found the way to our customers’ hearts and meet their ever-changing needs. Frosmo provides powerful personalization capabilities and relevant recommendations that bring real value and superior user experiences.
Digital Development Manager, A-lehdet
Antti Karvanen
We’ve proven our point again and again because of our winning formula in delivering the best personalization results in the market.
A guide to product recommendations
Smart and effective recommendations can significantly increase average order values and ultimately boost your profits. Recommending items that your customers want at the time when they’re most engaged can enhance user experiences to improve conversion rates.
Read on to find out how AI-driven recommendations can learn about customers in real-time and personalize all the pages they visit. Start delivering different recommendation types based on how users behave and where they are on the customer journey.
Enjoy reading!