Visitor #00001, we have been expecting you.

This is your profile, created by FROSMO based on your browsing behavior. Each time you interact with the website, we collect data to create a relevantly personalized experience for you.

Case studies


Retail: Power

POWER merges online and offline data for deeper customer insights


Retail: Scandinavian Outdoor

Scandinavian Outdoor drives ecommerce growth with personalized customer journeys


Retail: Big Bang

Big Bang boosts ecommerce revenue with Frosmo Search.


Retail: Rajala

Rajala delivers fast, easy, and relevant personalized experiences with Frosmo.


Retail: Power

Power works with Frosmo to help advance the customer journey towards better product discovery and conversion.



Ecommerce mobile strategy ebook

Dive deep into the strategic value personalization provides for ecommerce businesses especially in the realm of mobile product discovery.


10 ecommerce personalization myths – busted!

Debunking these myths can drive your customer experiences forward and skyrocket your revenue and customer lifetime value.


AI-driven personalization in consumer electronics ecommerce

Product discovery is a challenge in consumer electronics ecommerce, and that’s why major players are currently investing heavily in AI-based…


A comprehensive guide to recommendations

Including smart recommendations as part of your user experience is now an essential requirement for any ecommerce business.


The power of personalization

Today, personalization doesn’t just happen in physical stores by helpful shop assistants. Consumers expect more personalized experiences from most sites.


Personalization on different web pages

Personalized web pages can help you stand out from the competition by capturing the micro-moments of ecommerce shopping.


Online retail reimagined

Better optimized shopping funnels, lower bounce rates, better ROI in advertising spend, larger average order sizes, and better cross-selling.

Success stories


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